

En résumé

With nearly 13 years experience in Biotechnology and both fundamental and applied research, I have developed a significant expertise in areas that are relevant for the laboratory including cell biology, molecular biology, microbiology and virology.

I am just settling in United Kingdom and I am seeking a position in an international technological environnement.

Mes compétences :
Project Management
People Management
Qualities : Autonomous, rigorous, curious


  • IAB,CRI INSERM/UJF U823, La Tronche, France - Research Technician

    2012 - 2014
  • Self-Employed - Freelance in Fashion domain (Designer and Retailer)

    2009 - 2011 Main duties : Business planning, Marketing, Dealing with suppliers, Communication, Selling and Accounting

    This experience provided me a lot at the professional and private level

    Reason for leaving : Economic reasons
  • Protéus, Nîmes, France - Research Technician

    2006 - 2010 Main duties: Design of protein expression systems

    I performed protein expression tests in multiple systems (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) and scaled up to deliver agreed amounts and quality of protein to commercial partners.

    Technical skills used include DNA cloning, PCR, RT-PCR, DNA extraction, sequencing, mutagenesis, immunoblotting, protein quantification

    Reason for leaving : To open my own business
  • GEI, Lyon, France - Research Technician

    2002 - 2006 Main duties : Characterization of biomarkers of the MDCK cell line

    Technical skills used include primary cells and established cell lines culture (adherent or suspension cultures),karyotype analysis, transwell cultures, ELISA, Immunofluorescence, epifluorescence microscopy, viral infection and monitoring, purification and titration of virus, trained for P2 level

    Reason for leaving : To progress in my career
  • Mérial, Lyon, France - Research Technician

    2001 - 2002 Main duties : Expression and production of proteins

    Technical skills : Cell transfection (stable or transient), DNA cloning, PCR, RT-PCR, DNA extraction, Sequencing, Mutagenesis, Immunoblot, Protein quantification, Immunofluorescence

    Reason for leaving : End of fixed-term (8 months) contract
  • Biomérieux, Lyon , France - Research Technician (Intern)

    2001 - 2001 Main duties : Expression and function of the NS3 protein in the Hepatitis C virus

    Technical skillls :DNA cloning, PCR, RT-PCR, DNA extraction, Sequencing, Mutagenesis, Immunoblot, Protein quantification, ELISA, epitope-TAG protein purification, Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, trained for P2, P3 levels

    Reason for leaving : End of internship



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