


En résumé

SAP CRM techno-functional consultant with focus on process integration and customer specific developments and adjustments. In-depth knowledge of the SAP CRM architecture including ABAP and J2EE platforms, CRM Web UI technology, Webdynpro for ABAP and Java, Business Workflow, TREX and Enterprise Portal. Worked in a variety of economic sectors, including retail, utilities, media as well as public sector and was exposed to a range of other SAP products like R3 and ECC.

Mes compétences :
Microsoft CRM


  • Amaziris - Consultant SAP

    Casablanca 2008 - maintenant SAP CRM Technical Lead, Försäkringskassan

    Dental Reform Project (Release 1, 2 & 2B, February 2008 - Today)
    The project consists of the implementation of a dental finance support system using SAP CRM 2006s.
    Since release 1 go-live (1st July 2008), all Swedish care providers (dentists) can use either the new SAP WEB UI or an already existing tool that has been integrated with SAP CRM to apply for registration and update their information (opening hours for clinics, spoken languages, treatment prices etc.)
    After registration, they can use the system on a daily basis to view patient data, request reimbursements, request approval of prior assessments and report dental care subscriptions.
    Internal employees use also the SAP Web UI to approve reimbursements that require manual handling, manage corrections and perform post reimbursement control.
    In release 2/2B, new functionalities have been brought like a price comparison portal and also the possibility for clinics to submit their own corrections. Also a new patient history view was designed with an advanced tree structure that simplifies furthermore the administrative burden when it comes to corrections and post-reimbursement controls.
  • EoZen - Consultant SAP

    Ozoir la ferrière 2004 - 2008 TEGAZ
    Interaction Center Project - SAP CRM 5.0 IC Web Client (Technical Lead)
    The project aimed to provide the new customer service department with a simple tool to manage customer relationship. The scope was customer data display, inbound call processing (customer inquiries about billing, contracts details, contract renewals and details about natural gas products and services) and outbound call processing (call after first invoices are sent and also prior to works to provide information about risks and potential incidents.)

    Gaspacho Project: SAP CRM 5.0 + SAP EP 6 (Technical Lead)
    The goal was to build a unified information system for the sales and marketing department integrated with SAP ISU backend.
    Web services integration with third party complex tool for natural gas contract quotation.
    Activity management using SAP business workflow with Lotus notes integration.

    TRM Project - SAP CRM 5.0 IC Web Client (Techno-Functional)
    The project aimed to build a tool for trouble request management.
    Service tickets are created internally and automatically assigned to appropriate person/department with email notification. An instance of workflow keeps notifying parties involved when statuses change or notes are added. Direct navigation links are available in the email body. After conclusion, tickets can lead to the creation of FAQ in the knowledge database (TREX layout adjustments) after approbation using separate workflows.

    Presentation in partnership with SAP and Orange Business Services for the SECA-IT visitors about my proof-of-concept of CTI integration between SAP IC web client 5.0 and CosmoCall Universe, a contact center solution edited by CosmoCom and serviced by Orange (France Telecom.)
    The proof of concept was based on ActiveX technology and was providing simple functionalities such as customer identification during inbound calls and the triggering of outbound calls from the business partner view of the IC web client.

    CAD project - SAP CRM 5.0 IC Win Client / CTI integration (Techno-Functional)
    Adjustments and deployment of the connector that I designed for telephony integration between SAP IC win client and CosmoCall universe (Symphonie project.)
    One of the major enhancements was the ability to initiate an announced transfer to an agent (by skills) from the IC web client with data enrichment.

    SAMSUNG Services
    SAP CRM 3.0 - IC Win Client / CTI integration (Techno-Functional)
    Adjustments and deployment of the connector that I designed for telephony integration between SAP IC win client and CosmoCall universe (Symphonie project.)
    One of the major enhancements was the ability to select from the IC win client the target queue before performing a blind transfer.

    Symphonie project - SAP CRM 4.0 IC Win Client / CTI integration (Techno-Functional)
    The largest Interaction center project in France in 2007. My role on the project was to build a connector between SAP CRM interaction center and CosmoCall Universe, a contact center third party solution edited by CosmoCom that I later on packaged and that my employer (EoZen) started to sell as an out-of-the-box product.
    This included customer identification on inbound calls and contact enrichment with telephony details, outbound call processing with contact enrichment, transfer to a queue (blind transfer) with attached CRM contact and data enrichment.
    The solution I designed and built is based on ActiveX technology.

    SAP France Education
    SAP (JA100 and JA300: Introduction to Java and Advanced Java and Web Dynpro)
    SAP (BIT600 and BIT601: Introduction to Workflow and Advanced Workflow)

    And many others including WATERS, ETAM, ENDESA, COOP ATLANTIQUE
  • SAP Labs - Stagiaire

    Paris 2004 - 2004 End of curriculum training program.
    Within the Research team, I built a workflow viewer that produces online SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) documents for mobile devices including PDAs and mobile phones. The viewer was written in Java and was connected to SAP PSRM (Public Sector Records Management) via RFCs (JConnector.)



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