


En résumé

Cosultant/Architecte J2EE au Maroc et aux Etats Unis.

Architecture et conception des sollutions J2EE et opensource

Expert en logiciel GED ZyImage de ZyLab

Vidéo surveillance numérique avec les produit visiowave/GE security

Ingénieur system C/C++ MFC,borland,windows,linux

2 Dernieres experiences chez
Snapdragon Medical INC Etats Unis ,Tampa
AtosOrigin Maroc ,Rabat

Mes compétences :
Java EE


  • Professional Trainings - Training Atendee

    maintenant With ATOS ORIGIN:
    Training location: Atos Origin headquarters in Rabat Morocco.
    1) Two training session of project and team managements
    2) A training in the preparation of offers for invitations to tender
    3) Technical trainings with the partnership of Oracle North Africa for Oracle SOA platform (Webservices, JavaBeans, BPEL, Toplink and EJB 3.0) using JDEV 10.

    Trainings locations: ZyLAB ( main headquarters in Amsterdam Netherlands and Autonomy ( office in Madrid Spain.
    1) From 03/08/2006 to 03/19/2006:
    An advanced training to use the paper oriented DMS (Document Management System)
    ZyIMAGE (Used extensively by Major Law enforcement agencies around the world FBI, Interpol, and EU…..).

    2)A Product presentation of the Autonomy video based DMS and a small basic training.
  • Other non IT related work experience: - Other

    maintenant From 01/04/1998 to 09/06/1999 Employer: Azouzi Office for topographic studies (Fez Morocco)
    Position : Various office work and topographic measures (Part time Job since I studied economics during this year).

    2005: Helped a friend in the creation of his own small company e-technologies. I had a small share in it (Kenitra Morocco)
  • Various Freelance projects and Internships - Freelancer

    maintenant From 03/01/2003 to 06/01/2003 ENA (Moroccan Administration School) (Rabat Morocco)

    Internship for final study project
    Project: Design of an electronic evaluation and voting system for the evaluating teachers based on LAMP technologies (PHP with GD graph library) Apache MySQL.

    From 03/03/2003 to 05/25/2003 Seri-Design (Rabat Morocco)
    Position: Freelance webmaster (HTML, JavaScript ASP)

    From 08/01/2002 to 08/31/2002 ONEP (Moroccan National Water Office) (Rabat Morocco)

    Mission: Improving the existing Intranet web site using ASP and IIS.

    From 07/03/2000 to 10/04/2000 La (Rabat Morocco)
    Position: Freelance webmaster for various small projects.
  • E-technologies - J2EE Architect

    Dakar 2007 - maintenant J2EE web developpement architecture using hibernate,jsf and other opensource technologies
  • SnapDragon Medical Inc - Java/J2ee technologies consultant Architect.

    2007 - 2007 From 06/15/2007 to 09/07/2007 Employer: Snapdragon Medical INC (Clearwater, Florida)

    Position: Position J2EE consultant.

    Work description:
    Designing and implementing J2EE and open source based solutions for a HealthCare Messaging technologies using the following technologies Webworks framework, Free marker template engine, Hibernate 3.2,xml/xslt,Xmlbeans, swing, c++, HttpClient library, Spring framework and Spring ACEGI Security library....
  • Caciopee SARL - Software engineer

    2006 - 2006 From 07/25/2006 to 29/01/2006 Employer: Caciopee S.A.R.L (Rabat Morocco)

    Position: Software engineer

    Project: Software engineer in a team of 10 I worked on the front office part of the e-commerce website for the Hermes Paris luxury products brand the technologies used are websphere commerce toolkit, JSTL and WSCTL, IBM DB2, EJB 2, WSAD/WSCTK plug-in 5.1.
  • Atos Origin Maroc - Software engineer

    Bezons 2006 - 2007 From 09/25/2006 to 05/18/2007 Employer: Atos Origin (Rabat Morocco)

    Atos Origin is a leader IT provider worldwide with a global presence and 57 000 employees worldwide
    I worked for Atos Origin under the number A129844 as an Software Engineer and Architect

    Position: Software engineer and Architect

    Project 2 TMSA Project: worked as a software engineer and Architect for our customer the TMSA project (Moroccan Tangier Mediterranean Special Agency) the project is a joint venture between Atos Origin, CAP Gemini and several IT companies to implement
    The Information System for the Tangier port and free trade zone (the largest port in construction in north Africa) because of the number of different actors and existing IT infrastructures involved in the project (Finance office, custom office , navigation office, PMIS…..) the WebMethods EAI process and service based architecture was used to link the different actors using the webmethods EAI and web services my part was to develop an administration application using the J2EE compliant webmethods server and webmethods portal technologies.

    I also contributed in the design of automatic deployment scripts for the integration platform using Script Shell, SQL and Maven.

    Most outstanding reference: Having noticed that most of the portlets are form/validation type portlets and the project detailed specs are in excel sheets format. I created an excel to portlet converters using java with the JXL EXCEL API, Regular expressions and XSL that enabled us to generate 85% of the portlet code (jsp,java beans and form validation) and cut the time to finish a form/validation portlet from 3 days to 0.5 day per portlet.

    Technologies and tools I used in the project : jsp,struts,custom code generator, eclipse IDE with webmethods plugin, jboss and axis for web services, xml xsl xml spy IDE, JSTL, MANTIS bug tracking, CVS,Xstream API, XML Beans, Dreamweaver, Notepad++.

    Project 1 SIBAM (Morrocan Central National Bank):

    • Subproject 1: (Developing of a reporting system for the money supply office using jasper reports and Java/Servlets.

    • Subproject 2: Information system for the Money supply office using JSF , AJAX with ajax4jsf framework, and business delegate design pattern, QLOR framework for ORM and Oracle 10g DBMS apache tomcat ported later to websphere 6 AS,SVN and bugzilla.

    • Subproject 3: Implementing an effective Login system using AOP with JBOSS AOP.

    • Subproject 4: Implementing an extra layer on log4j and quartz java api

    • Subproject 5: Implementing web services using AXIS.

    • Subproject 6: Implementing a full text search engine using Lucene for JAVA

    • Subproject 7: Adding an extra java script layer on JSF to overcome JSF 1.1 limitations
  • FMCP - Training Internship in software devellopement

    2006 - 2006 From 06/08/2006 to 07/25/2006 Employer: FMCP S.A.R.L (Rabat Morocco)

    Position: Software engineer

    Project: Porting some old VB6 applications to PHP 4 and/or J2EE Architectures in the following technologies were used extensively: PHP4, MySQL, Apache webserver in the JAVA part JSF, HIBERNATE ORM, MySQL,
    AJAX using DOJO and YAHOO UI TOOLKIT Libraries.
  • Visiolink SARL - System Engineer

    2003 - 2006 From 06/15/2003 to 05/24/2006 Employer VisioLink S.A.R.L (COSINSA Spain) (Rabat Morocco)

    CosinSA and it Moroccan subdivision VisioLink is a company specialized in digital video surveillance technologies using the VisioWave/General Electric digital video security systems and also specialized in unstructured data managements systems and information system integration, VOIP, mass storage and data backup. The company led successful projects in Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, Saudia Arabia and many other countries the company is also a partner of ZyLAB, AMPER SISTEMAS and various other companies.

    Position: Software engineer and IT manager

    Main Mission:

    1) Designing digital video surveillance clients using the VisioWave SDK light clients uses JavaScript HTML and actives X while heavier clients uses one or more of the following technologies :
    ActiveX, Borland C++, Visual C++, .NET ( and C#) , Delphi and 8086 Assembly.

    2) Designing both websites: and (HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT and ASP)

    3) Worked with a team of 3 Moroccan and 5 Spanish engineers with to create a DMS system for video under the name VideoMA the server side of the DMS uses PHP Apache and MySQL (LAMP) the client side was developed using Visual C++ and QT API.

    4) Worked in a J2EE Projects to provide an alternative VisioWave server configuration tool (the one shipped with VisioWave is based on PHP Apache and Interbase) ours uses JSP and Struts instead of PHP because of some of our customers’ requirements.

    5) Worked in various system integration projects involving Moroccan and Spanish law enforcement agencies

    Other Minor Missions:

    -Installation, integration and configuration of the VisioWave server and VisioWave equipments
    -Installation, integration and configuration of ZyLAB / ZyIMAGE DMS software.
    -Configuration of HP DataProtector Storage works for optical disks HP equipment this include programming data recovery scripts and tasks.
    -Administration of the company IT infrastructure (Servers, routers, switches…..)


  • HitechSchool In Morocco (Rabat)

    Rabat 1999 - 2003 Computer Science

    Computer Science
  • Lycée Al Imam Al Ghazali (Temara)

    Temara 1995 - 1998 Sciences Mathématiques

    Sc Math


Annuaire des membres :