


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • Accenture - Consultant

    Paris 2006 - maintenant Crédit Mutuel Arkea

    Trading System Replacement
    - Business analyst team assistance
    - Analysis and correction of errors encountered during UAT
    - Preparation and implementation of Murex migration
    - Production support


    Project Management Office for IT deliveries:
    - IT requests consolidation and processing
    - Follow-up of delivery Plannings, budget and issues
    - Escalation to project sponsors for mitigation
    - Formalization and weekly update of IT requests follow up dashboard
    - Organization and preparation of meetings
    - Formalization of minutes

    Natixis Asset Management

    Package selection study
    - Requirements definition
    - RFP redaction
    - Organization of editor workshops
    - Proposal redaction
    - Cost evaluation for implementing the selected software

    Amundi Asset Management

    Netting and Collateral System implementation
    - Responsible of the implementation of the accounting module
    - Specification for configuration, interface and financial statements
    - Configuration of the accounting module
    - Planning, execution and support for the test phase
    - Planning and support for the migration and production phase


    FO to BO reconciliation project
    - Responsible of optimization phase for Fixed Income business line
    - Bug following with IT teams
    - Specification of enhancements for the reconciliation application
    - Approach definition and test following


    Support of Processing Team
    - Support of the processing department for several Murex implementation projects
    - Assistance for specification and development of workflows (life cycle, confirmations and payments)
    - Conception of confirmation models of IRD products for a pre-packaged version
    - Support and tests on Back-Office module for a customer implementation

    Crédit Agricole Asset Management

    Replacement of Position Keeping System
    - Responsible of the implementation of the Murex end of day procedure : requirement analysis, development and test following
    - Configuration of Murex reporting module and development of extracts based on Sybase database
    - Development of a monitoring tool for Murex
    - Development of a market data discrepancy monitoring tool for historical var calculation


    Forex Trading System replacement
    - Responsible for the development of financial extracts used by risk and accounting downstream systems based on Sybase database
    - Support of integration tests and UAT for extracts and bug-fixing when required
    - Development of knowledge in the configuration of Murex batches to supply support to test team
    - Development of an end of day procedure for local entities of Singapore and Shanghai


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :