


En résumé

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  • Morpho - Integrator and Technical Advisor TSM NFC ecosystem

    Paris 2014 - maintenant Client: CAIXA Bank, ING Bank : Integrator and Technical Advisor TSM ( Trusted Service Manager )

    In charge of TSM integration activities between:
    - Service providers: CAIXA Bank, ING Bank and MBank
    - MNO: Orange, Vodafone
    - SEI: Gemalto, Oberthure

    Key tasks:
    - Integration and acceptance testing.
    - Sanity checks in production environment between TSM ecosystems (SP, SP-TSM, MNO-TSM and SEI).
    - Animation of live test meetings between SQA team in Singapore, OTA team in Russia and integration team in Morocco
    - Animation of End-To-End live testing with Service Providers and MNOs.
    - Support team Training.
    - Support on the production site.

    Functional Skills:
    - TSM
    - Global platform
    - AFSCM

    Environment: Linux, ORACLE, TOMCAT, JBoss, Testlink, JIRA, Putty, JMeter, SOAP, XML…
  • Morpho - Software Quality Responsible

    Paris 2013 - 2014 Responsible for software quality in diversified environments in terms of technology and business

    - Functionnal Testing
    - Integration Testing
    - Load Testing.

    Administration :

    Missions on Client site

    Chile: Support and administration of an application that allows the management of the production cycle of Passports and identity cards.

    Mauritania: Support and administration of a border control system (SymmetricDS).

    Environment: JMeter, JAVA/J2EE, WebService, JBOSS, Tomcat, Oracle, SQL Server, Postgress, Linux, SymmetricDS, Putty, JIRA, Testlink, ...
  • Capgemini - Expert performance , load testing and monitoring.

    SURESNES 2011 - 2013 Client: Airbus, Orange And M6: Expert performance, load testing and monitoring.

    Responsible for training, validation and implementation of load testing of all types of applications within a pole of 10 FTEs between France, Morocco and India
    - Presentation of services and proposal solutions that meet the needs of customers
    - Training of foreign employees on Apploader and AppsWatch tools.
    - Planning, organizing and conducting tests
    - Analysis and interpretation of results

    Client: SNCF (National Society of French Railways):

    Load Testing Consultant

    Responsible for achieving load tests and performances
    - Planning, organizing and conducting tests (creation of scripts, preparation of data sets, monitoring, test execution).
    - Analysis and interpretation of results
    - Coordination between different teams (Dev, deployment, system, DBMS ...).

    DBA ORACLE Consultant (11g, 10g and 9i).

    The main missions:
    - Provide support to the project teams.
    - Ensure the resolution of incidents and problems.
    - Ensure data integrity and supervise databases.
    - Updating regularly the mapping of risks and incidents.
    - Develop and make available processes and operating procedures.
    Environment: Windows NT, Unix, Loadrunner 9.5/11.0 , 9i/10g/11g Oracle , Java , J2EE, FLEX , WebService , TUXEDO , HTML, Putty , Winscp , WinMerge , Ant
    Tools / Method (LEAN approach) :
    - Visual Management.
    - Infocenter
    - Daily meeting
  • Corporate Software - Technical leader

    2010 - 2011 - Specific development and integration.
    - Selection of technical solutions (software, framework...).
    - Implementation of best practices and procedures.
    - Technical support for developers.
    - Organization, coordination and leadership of the team.

    Environment: JAVA/J2EE, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, BI, Talend open studio, Talend open profiler, UNIX, PowerAMC, RAD, Oracle.

    2009 - 2009 Elaboration of a decisional platform (Production Analysis)
    Environment: peoplesoft, Oracle 9i, Talend Open Stiduo, Talend Open Profiler, SQL, PLSQL
  • Menara Prefa - Training

    Marrakech 2008 - 2008 Installing and configuring of openVPN network.
  • ADS Tech - Training

    2006 - 2006 Functional Testing of new products



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