


En résumé

I've started my career within COFARMA as manager in mass distribution , which is known by its complexity to be managed as a result of its all sections.
Throughout this experience, I was able to deal with the tool’s department, from simple daily management than a month, something that will came up with a sense to my management efforts.
I’m aware that from the start of these two years, it was beneficial to me due to the attention I had for management in its financial aspect in particular.
For 2 years, every manager team proved a challenge being a beginner, except that the challenge is successful through my determination to have this ability to bring added value to the firm to that I belonged to.
TO sum up, i'm a passionate Manager interested in All jobs in finance field, fast learner, easy to work with.
my personality, my positive energy and have allowed me to realize and deliver excellent outputs and receive great feedback from my superiors.

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projets
Grande distribution
Management et gestion
Management et gestion de projets
Marketing stratégique
Mix Marketing


  • Ministère de l'enseignement Superieur MM - Professeur

    2016 - maintenant
  • ACIMA - Manager à ACIMA

    Tangier 2012 - 2014 As a manager, I was called upon to perform followed margin of quantitative indicators, reporting, dashboards using figures, in order to establish action plans that could improve the situation of my departme


  • Université Hassan II , FSJES Ain Chok Casablanca (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 2015 - maintenant PHD
  • Université Caddi Ayyad (Marrakech)

    Marrakech 2010 - 2012 Master's degree


Annuaire des membres :