


En résumé

Adepte du growth hacking et passionnée du social media, mon action consiste à accélérer la mutation numérique des entreprises, en conciliant différents leviers du Search Engine Marketing et du Social Media.

En recherche de nouvelles opportunités dans le Community Management pour accompagner les entreprises dans leur stratégies de communication sur les médias sociaux.

Mon role consiste à intégrer simultanément, des technologies adaptées et une nouvelle culture du numérique au sein des entreprises.

Followe me : @shorinaiko

Mes compétences :
Relations publiques
Marketing stratégique
Community management
Rédaction web
Social networking
Digital Marketing
Social media
Web analytics
Web 2.0
Online Advertising


  • DietSensor Inc - Head of Customer Success & Social Media

    2016 - maintenant A New Digital Innovation to Better Manage Chronic Diseases like Diabetes, Obesity Named a CES 2016 Best of Innovation Awards Honoree, DietSensor marks the beginning of a new generation of diet and nutrition Apps, marrying hardware and software and integrating food sensors. It was primarily designed to make food counting more manageable for those suffering from diabetes or dealing with obesity. For type 1 and type 2 Diabetes sufferers, accurately counting carbohydrates every day is critical. And for those who want or need to lose weight, DietSensor is a powerful new tool that helps better manage chronic conditions by measuring nutritional intake on a much more personal and comprehensive level than ever before.

    My role in as a Customer Success Manager is to define the Community Management and Customer Support strategy of DietSensor and transforming this strategy into action plans,

    – Managing the Social network strategy execution in liaison with suppliers,
    – Recruiting and training the required number of support staff and community managers,
    – Managing the Customer Support strategy execution and responding to the final customer’s requests with a high level of expertise on the DietSensor App through a various channel,
    – Actively manages the customer relationship and the lifetime value of each assigned client by helping customers realize the economic value of their purchases in order to preserve and grow revenue
    – Develops a deep understanding of each assigned client’s industry trends, best practices and business goals with a focus on how social media drives business value and ROI
    – Develop and scale retention and upsell strategies to achieve our ambitious MRR growth
    – Manage key customer relationships and help close strategic opportunities
    – Provide detailed and accurate retention/upsell forecasting and manage data proactively
    – Collaborate with Marketing and Product to improve leads quality and shape the Mention platform
  • Extension interactive - Social Media Manager

    2016 - maintenant
  • FindBrok - Social Media Manager

    2015 - 2016 Act as front line in customer support across all social channels
    Monitoring the success of social media campaigns through media analytics, KPIs and dashboards

    FindBrok is a collaborative social network to all the regulated professions 3.0 from the insurance & finance sectors in the whole world. Its aim is to facilitate exchanges between experts.

    YouTube :
    Twitter : @findbrok_en

    Au-delà d’un réseau social professionnel, FindBrok est un réseau collaboratif mondial destiné à accompagner la transformation numérique des professions réglementées 3.0 dans l’esprit de l’interprofessionnalité.

    YouTube :
    Twitter : @findbrok
  • Community Manager Online LTD - Community Manager & Gestionnaire Seo

    2014 - 2016
  • Internet Intelligence LTD ( Web Agency Support ) - Chargée de Communication

    2012 - 2014 Mise en place de process dans le cadre de l'organisation de la communication :
    - Communication Interne (Mise en place d'outils pour une meilleure circulation de l'information - site intranet, Facebook, Twitter – Organisation évènementielle, publication des articles sur les projets de l’agence, gestion au niveau des relations publiques digitales- et d'indices d'évaluation de la politique de communication interne).
  • Auber Prevoyance - Formatrice

    2008 - 2011 • Encadrement et coaching terrain
    • Gestion des processus opérationnels
    • Interlocutrice directe pour les projets de Web Marketing en collaboration avec la Direction Commerciale.

    Tâches principales :
    1. Identification, sélection, analyses et mise à niveau des compétences.
    2. Observation, détection, préconisation
    3. Formation métier, processus et technologie


  • Université De Maurice (Réduit)

    Réduit 2012 - 2015 BSc Hons - Management with Law


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