
Abdel Hakim HABI

En résumé

Practice Areas
The HABI Law firm was founded in the mid of 1996.We are experienced in handling issues involving Commercial matters, Property and Real Estate law including Natural Resources, Administrative Law, Civil disputes and criminal cases besides formation of companies, the draw up of contracts, Mediation and Arbitration.
We are committed to anticipating our clients’ need and meeting them. Fundamental to this is our commitment to understand thoroughly the priorities and business of our clients and ensure that their aims and objectives are met and their best interests protected.

Real estate matters
We have assisted clients in various property matters including state and private lands, property boundary and ownership disputes and land exchanges
In addition we have handled a broad array of real estate transactions including commercial, residential and agricultural.
Due to our comprehensive natural resource and property capabilities our firm can provide experienced counsel for environmental and natural resource matters affecting property owners.

Negotiation and forming contracts,
We have over long years of practice acquire a quite thorough professional and technical expertise in dealing with forming contracts beginning by handling negotiations between parties to drawing up the legal document of the transactions such as conveyancing (i.e) contracts for the sale of lands, contracts of guarantee, contracts for transfer of shares, all kind of commercial contracts and broadly speaking every type of contracts until completion so as to become effective on execution.
We pay special attention to exclusion and limitation clauses and besides boiler-plate clauses we attend to enshrine personalized ones specific to the parties will, the issue in question and the aim they intend to achieve.
All along the process of negotiations we keep fair and impartial so that none of the parties is injured, on contrast when we represent only one party in negotiations we do all in our power, by means of subtle ways to capitalize on them.
We undertake all proceedings to make the contracts enforceable such as payment of taxes and Registration etc.. and do our best to avoid any defect which may make the contract void, voidable or unenforceable.
We also deal with another aspect relevant to contracts which is remedies for breach of contract, done out of our office (law firm) in order to seek an award for damages when our client is the contractor who suffers the breach or a decree of specific performance that is to bring action to courts to compel the defaulting party to perform his contractual obligations.

International Professional background
We have recently set up a department for assisting and accompanying investors from all over the world in purchasing residences, forming companies or have stakes in existing ones through all the steps involved in the process from negotiation to successful completion of transaction which include drawing up and registering the contract which conclude the deal.

Mes compétences :
Real Estate Law
Legal Documents
Breach of Contract
Administrative Law
Commercial matters
Criminal issues
corporate law


  • Etude d'avocat HABI - Avocat

    1997 - maintenant Le conseil, la résolution des malentendus, l’arbitrage des conflits, la représentation des parties dans les transactions bipartites et multipartites et la défense de leurs intérêts dans les litiges auprès des instances compétentes est un art et un talent maitrisé, acquis par une formation conséquente, adapté et conforté par une expérience avéré par l’exercice sur le terrain pendant une longue période, en parallèle avec une formation continue, alimenté par la jurisprudence et le droit comparé.

    Répondant à ce critère et soucieux de garder une bonne image de marque et répondre aux attentes et aux aspirations de notre clientèle, nous mettons à sa dispositions une équipe dont la charte de valeurs fortement ancré dans sa conduite et ses attitudes sont l’amabilité, le sérieux, la rigueur et l’efficacité.

    En effet, durant les vingt années d’expériences à notre actif, nous avons traité différents cas dans diverses disciplines allant du simple contrat immobilier et commercial passant par les litiges civils, commerciaux et sociaux jusqu’aux dossiers pénaux, sans oublier la procédure de médiation et d’arbitrage.

    Aussi nous faisons de notre mieux -autant que faire se peut- pour être au diapason avec les nouvelles tendances d’ouverture sur le monde imposés par la conjoncture internationale.


Pas de formation renseignée


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