


En résumé

Management de projet ,formation et training d'O.P.C
ordonnance de pilote et coordination & scheduling construction managment coordinator pour tous projets de construction , génie civil, ing /quality and H.S.E
développement des investissements et suivis des investisseurs étrangers sur tous projets
développement des master franchises ,management et développement de restaurant gestion .ds le Royaume Maroc

Casablanca / Dubai

Mes compétences :
Quality Control
QC Management
Giving training
Dévelopment and Management of restaurant & hotels
la coordination


  • Ste O.P.C btp - Management P.D.G

    2011 - 2013 de projets working on free -land, scheedling of projects .
    Director Général de la Ste O.P.C.B.T.P in Casablana Morocco .
    Dévelopment and Management of restaurant & hotels
    Director technique of projects. Consultant et expert.
    General Manager of project for company of the Government avec l'O.N.D.A et O.N.C.F
    Scheedling and following manfacture steel ( Menasteel ) , S.U.MC . in Morocco.
  • 0PCBTP - Directeur & management de Projets

    2010 - maintenant
  • Scheedle - Construction Management

    2010 - 2011 on free land Management and following of O.N.D.A project
    Of military airport , O.N.C.F , company Menasteel and S.U.M.C.
  • Projet - Manager training

    2010 - 2010 (Sch Constr M.C) for Projects .
    on free land. Training company for process of project and inspection.
    Budget of 23 million of dollars and 66 million of dollars
  • Besix projet - Construction Manager

    2008 - 2009 Coordinator and supervising the manufacturer Mobica(.Scedul construct Mangt cordinat )
    Giving training to people on how to use the machines, planning and inspection
    Coordination on site regarding the installation. Cost and budget of 110 Million Dollars
  • Projet - Manager

    2008 - 2009 (Besix) Sixco Façade Ferrari projet Abu Dhabi U.A.E
    Supervisor for the quality control: following up all the fabricated materials and products.
    H.S.E Manager and supervisor safety , risks ,health .
    Inspection process and welding during and after erection on site
    Following the S.C.M.C .Ferrari project was around 885 Million of dollars
    And 56 million for the lands keeping and pools .
  • Besix - Superintendant & construction Manager

    2007 - 2008 site superintendant & construction Manager Grande Mosquée
    Supervising and coordination of the subcontractors follow up the planning, progress and erection.budget of 555 Million of dollars and 96 Million for lands -keeping and parking .
  • Sixconstruc ltd /besix - Direct d e projet //coordinator constrcut/Manag Dubai

    2007 - 2009
  • Outback house - Coordinator

    2004 - 2007 Promotion and construction of new houses, chalets and renovation. Supervising the works, coordination with architects. Expertise: windows, traditional carpenting, Calculation of wooden and metal structures. Different developments for real estates with a value of 2.6 millions euro. Coordination of 8 different companies.
  • Nice house - Coordinator

    1998 - 2004 Running a family business in the USA and Canada. This involved: fabrication of windows, buildings and renovation of existing buildings.
    Coordination of 180 workmen and 12 different subcontractors.
    Value of the projects: 80 million euro
  • Seatle house - Coordinator

    1985 - 1998 * (Development and construction)
    Running a family business between Morocco and Canada. This involved: construction of residence buildings and the fabrications of cottages.
    Development and coordination of 120 villas with a budget value of 45 million euro.
    Development and coordination of buildings with a cost value of 15 million euro.
  • Bank Lyonnais - Trader

    1978 - 1984


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :